Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shche ne vmerla Ukrayiny i slava, i volya
Shche nam, brattia molodii, usmikhnet'sia dolia.
Z-hynut' nashi vorizhen'ky, yak rosa na sontsi
Zapanuyem i my, brattia, u svoyiy storontsi.
Ukraine's glory has not perished, nor her freedom
Upon us, fellow compatriots, fate shall smile once more.
Our enemies will vanish, like dew in the morning sun,
And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own.
Dushu y tilo my polozhym za nashu svoboduI pokazhem,
shcho my, brattia, kozats'koho rodu.
We'll lay down our souls and bodies to attain our freedom,
And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation.

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